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Published: 2020-04-25





Ph. D. Literature

Institute for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Peking University


M. A. Literature, 2003

Institute for Literary Theories, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Science,


B. A. Literature, 2000

Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University


Fields of Specialization

 Church History, Christian Literature, Patristics, Female Literature



Zhang Xin, Jesus as Mirror: The Figure of Jesus in Western Novels in the 20th Century (revised), Huamulan Culture Press, Taiwan, 2018

Zhang Xin, “Dystopia, the End of Time and The Lord of the World” in Theological Aesthetics, Vol. 6, p. 67-88, 2018

Zhang Xin, Joy and the British Christian Romantic Tradition: A Review of Surprised by Joy, Dushu, pp. 101-108, 2017

Zhang Xin, British Catholic Novels in the 20th Century, Huamulan Cultural Press, Taiwan, 2016

Zhang Xin, “On Chinese Christian Poetry Education: Centered on Confucius’ Poetics in The Analects” in Study of Humanities, p. 129-161, Institute of Humanities, Incheon National University, South Korean, 2015

Zhang Xin, “Shuirudadi: A Case Study in Contemporary Literary Sino-Christian Theology” in Regent Review of Christian thoughts, Vol. 19, 2015, p. 145-159, 2014

Zhang Xin, “The Power of Imagination: A Review of Biographia Literaria” in Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Vol. 32, p. 218-236, 2014

Zhang Xin, “The Catholic Novels of Evelyn Waugh and European Spiritual Nostalgia”, in Culture and Poetics, Vol. 17, p. 67-85, 2014

Zhang Xin, “Dante Alighieri” in Companion to Foreign Literary Writings, edited by Liu Hongtao, p. 14-19, Chinese Renmin University Press, 2014

Zhang Xin, “The Catholic Imagination of Aesthetes”, in Theological Aesthetics, Vol. 5, p. 127-142, 2013

 Zhang Xin, “John Milton” and “Jane Austen” in Foreign Literary History (Western Volume) (organized by the Educational Ministry of China), edited by Wang Lixin, p. 119-121, p. 167-172, China Higher Education Press, 2013

Zhang Xin, “Female Saints and Everyday Ethics: A Hidden Hagiography in Shakespeare's A Measure for a Measure”, in Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Vol. 27, p. 203-220, 2012

Zhang Xin, “The New Voice of Orthodoxy, in Dushu, Issue 1, p. 82-89, 2012

 Zhang Xin, “Lamb the Christ: The Jesus Figure in the Master and Margarita”, in Regent Review of Christian Thoughts, Vol. 14, p. 184-196, 2012

Zhang Xin, Jesus as Mirror: The Figure of Jesus in Western Novels in the 20th Century, Religious Culture Press, 2010

Zhang Xin, “Charlotte Brontë”, “Emily Brontë”, “Doris Lessing”, and “Toni Morrison” in Foreign Literary History (the Western Volume), edited by Kuang Xing, p. 207-213, p. 427-431, p. 436-441, Beijing Normal University Press, 2010

Zhang Xin, “A Review of Religion and French Literature”, in Forum on European and American Literature, Vol. 6, p. 335-348, 2010

Zhang Xin, “The Defense for Theodicy: Symbols in Moby-Dick”, in Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Vol. 22, p. 201-215, 2009

Zhang Xin, “Bakhtin and Russian Religious Philosophy”, in Culture and Poetics, Vol. 7, p. 278-291, 2009

Zhang Xin, The Divine Comedy”, in Guidance to Foreign Literary Masterpieces, edited by Liu Hongtao, p. 25-31, China Higher Education Press, 2009

Zhang Xin, “The Quest for the Human Nature of Christ”, in Zhejiang Academic Journal, Issue 5, p. 77-82, 2008

Zhang Xin, “The Christian Influences on European Romantic Literature”, in Foreign Literature, Issue 5, p. 94-100, 2008

Zhang Xin, “The Self-fashioning and Spiritual Exploration: The Son of Man in Contemporary Jesus-novels”, in Journal for the Study of Christian Culture, Vol. 15, p. 142-159, 2006

  • Qian Jing, Zhang Xin, trans. Literature, p. 65- 215, Peking University Press, 2006
  • Zhang Xin, “The Religious Philosophical Origin of Carnival and Dialogue”, in Studies of Multiculture, Vol. 3, 2004


Edited Series/Monographs: 

2015- present, Executive Editor of The Study of Christian Cultures Series, Huamulan Cultural Press, Taibei, 50 monographs released.



Research Projects

2018 "Hagiographies in Late Antiquity", the Fund of National Philosophical and Social Sciences

2013“Foreign Female Literature”, the Fund of Beijing Normal University

2011 “The Literary Theories and Practice of British Christian Romanticism: from Coleridge to Tolkien”, the Fund of National Philosophical and Social Sciences

2010 “The British Catholic Novels of the 20th Century”, the Educational Ministry of China

Work Experience

2006 – present

 Associate Professor,

 Institute for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies,

 School of Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


2017.1 2018.7

 Visiting Scholar,

 Department of Theology,

 University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA



 Visiting Scholar,

 Institute of Christian Cultural Studies, Hong Kong


2012.9 – 2013.5

 Visiting Scholar,

 Department of Religion,

  Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA


Courses Taught

Christianity and Western Literature

History of Western Literature

Selected Works of Foreign Literature

Foreign Female Literature

Western Christian Literature and Arts






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